The Secret to Long-Lasting Office Paint-An Insider’s Guide

The Secret to Long-Lasting Office Paint-An Insider’s Guide

If you are planning to upgrade your office with vibrant coats of paint, you would surely expect it to endure on walls for a long time and why not? After all, your hard-earned investment won’t yield results if paint comes off walls or you face blisters or flaky paint before the expected time. Hence, routine upkeep and periodic maintenance are essential to prolong the shelf-life of your painted walls and retain the shine for the years to come.

Read this blog to know the secrets to long-lasting office paint and do give a try to justify your investment.

Protect Walls from Moisture and Damp

Water penetration through external walls and moisture causes dampness and forms black spots which eventually wreck the health of your wall paint and compel you to opt for a repainting job. Signs of leakage, cracks near the edges of roof or crevices, water penetration due to leaking pipes can cause new paint to peel off early and therefore, frequent inspection of your office painting in Melbourne is essential. It will help you identify telltale signs of paint damage and opt for restoration services before things turn out worse.

Prevent Paint from Fading

No matter how much you splurge on office exterior painting, it will fade over time with regular exposure to sun, rain, moisture and other weather elements. Hence, periodic inspection of your exterior paint by professionals is essential who can offer effective restoration services and prevent paint from getting discoloured. Professional office painters in Melbourne know the unique paint protection techniques and apply sustainable solvents that can prolong the lifespan of paint and prevent them from undergoing natural degradation.

Don’t Forget to Waterproof in the Beginning

Waterproofing your office is a significant improvement that plays a crucial role in paint maintenance and saves your pocket from frequent repainting job. Lack of waterproofing office walls by painters in Melbourne City can ruin your expensive paintwork and overburden your pocket with hefty dollars on repairs. Therefore, you must waterproof your office building before starting off with the paintwork and take necessary precautions to repair damages that may cause due to water application both on interiors and exteriors.

Invest in High-Quality Washable Paints

With regular use and high traffic, hand impressions and smudges are likely to happen on office walls which can give an unsightly appearance and demean the overall aesthetics of your space. The best way to tackle these stains is to wipe them off immediately once they appear. Nowadays,Melbourne painting contractors apply paints that come with cross-linking polymer technology which can remove even the toughest stains on walls and ensure your office paint looks vibrant and spotless.

Pressure Washing Once in a Year Can Help

A few years down the line, you may notice dirt build-up, grime, stains and grease on your office exterior paint which can be removed by pressure-washing once in a year. Pressure washing is usually recommended after 2-3 years of your initial paint job but it entirely depends upon your discretion and budget if you want to get it done periodically. Peeling usually starts from windows and walls close to doors, bathrooms and kitchen and hence, you need to keep a close eye on paint in these areas and opt for immediate repairs by best painters in Melbourne as and when needed.

Get a Free Quote Now!

At West Pro Painting & Decorating we specialise in residential and commercial painting services and have emerged to be preferred Melbourne painting contractors due to our quality of work and professionalism. Our team comprises of highly skilled, vetted and proficient experts who have years of trade experience help you get desired paint results at a reasonable price. Navigate our website to know more about our services or give us a call to enquire a no-obligation quote!