Does Roof Paint Last Longer? Secrets to Extend the Lifespan

Impeccably painted roof adds to the aesthetic appeal and boosts the market value of a property in the long run. Whether you have plans to sell your home in future, organise a roof-top party or simply hang out with your friends in the evening, beautifully painted roof is an ideal retreat to chill out with your peeps and enhance the visual appeal of your home.

Roof paint will look great as long as you perform routine upkeep and maintenance. Regular exposure to outside weather elements wears away the shine and makes roof coating in Melbourne outdated too early. Thus, it’s important to take good care of the painted surfaces for the best paint protection and improved aesthetics of your home.

Check the Condition of Your Roof Regularly

Harmful UV rays, rain, humidity wrecks havoc on roof surfaces and wear out the shine of roof coatings. Regular inspection for cracks, leakage, damp and rust would help prolong the lifespan of paint and save your pocket from bearing hefty amounts on repairs. Leaks, cracks on asphalt shingles are common, but scheduling an inspection by professional roof painters in Melbourne, can help in diagnosing the telltale signs of damage, mitigate the risk of premature paint degradation and strengthen the health of paint in the coming years.

Prevent Rust Formation 

Rust infestation is a common culprit behind early deterioration of paint and weakens the structural integrity of your roof surface if not addressed on time. Natural wear and negligence to routine paint maintenance leads to rust formation and gives you the trouble of peeling paint, cracks and leakage. Repainting by a leading Melbourne painting company can extend the lifespan of the iron sheets and minimise damage caused by regular exposure to air and water. Additionally, weatherproof paints are mould and water-resistant, which further prevents rust and strengthens the shelf life of paint.

How Frequently Should You Paint Roof? 

Ideally, roof painting should be done after every 10 years to make paint last longer. However, if the initial painting service in Melbourne was not up to the mark or the paint used was of inferior quality, you may face the trouble of peeling paint, cracks, leakage sooner than expected. Exterior paints are subject to natural degradation and when coating loses its lustre, the roof surfaces are left bare and concrete becomes structurally weak. Thus, neglecting to repaint your roof can make paint vulnerable to premature damage and lead to a stage when it can no longer be restored. Opting for a complete roof replacement by painters in Melbourne City would be the only way to maintain the visual aesthetics and make paint last.

At West Pro Painting & Decorating, we specialise in advanced roof painting in Melbourne using modern tools and equipment at budgeted packages. Our skilled and accredited roof painters in Melbourne are professionally trained to handle any project with competency and execute the job within a promised timeline and budget. For high-quality painting at affordable rates, reach us now!