Top Tips That Help Significantly Reduce Residential Exterior Painting Expenses

Some obvious signs will tell you that it’s time to repaint the exterior walls of your home. The paints lose their sheen and get shabby, blisters appear on the paints, they crack and then they start peeling and falling off. Mosses, dirt and dust overwhelm the paints and your entire property looks shabby and uncouth. Thus you see, it takes a lot to paint the exteriors. When you opt for a professional painting service in Melbourne, they do not just paint, but do a lot of prep work, to get rid of all the mess.

Therefore, the budget that you set for your domestic painting project in Melbourne is by no means low. When you plan to paint the exteriors of your home, you have got to spend a lefty amount. And rightly so! You do not paint your home at the drop of a hat. Thus, you need to get the best painters in Melbourne and the best paints. And that will cost you a formidable amount. But here is the catch. When you hire the best house painters in Melbourne, they will provide you with some tips and follow some rules, which will help you keep the expense under control.

Opt for DIY for the hidden places

Even when it comes to dealing with exterior painting, there are places or areas of your home that remain concealed, either by foliage of or other stuff. If you can manage, go for DIY painting for those areas. This can to some extent, help you cut down the painting cost. There are many residential painters in Melbourne who would charge you on the basis of the dimension of the area they paint.

Choose long lasting paints with good coverage property

High quality paints will cost you more. There’s no doubt in it. However, the master home painters in Melbourne would suggest going for these paints as they last long and have better preventive measures than their less costly counterparts. Hence, they reduce the need for maintenance and that is a cost curtailer itself. Secondly, and more importantly, these paints have a better coverage property. That means, one dip will help you cover a larger area. Thus, you need less paint. With lesser consumption, the cost of residential exterior painting in Melbourne or elsewhere comes down.

Priming the wall before painting

This is another very important tip that reduces the painting cost. Quality painters in Melbourne City would opt for high quality, comprehensive priming of the wall prior to painting, as it will reduce the absorbing power of the wall and increase its adhesive power, again resulting in less consumption of paint and reduction of cost.

Selection of appropriate tools and adequate techniques

This is one of the most effective ways of reducing painting costs. During residential painting in Melbourne, the experts would use suitable tools like paintbrush or rollers, which are cost effective in suitable areas. For instance, for painting nooks and crannies and acute angles smaller brushes are the best option. However, for painting open areas, rollers are the best option. In both these cases, the respective tools will help reduce imperfection and need for touch up and decrease the consumption of paint.

Thus you see hiring quality exterior and interior painting experts in Melbourne always helps. They will offer these tips that will make all the difference in the cost. What better name can you think of than West Pro Painting & Decorating? Call us at 0412 008 179 for further details.