
A Healthy Comparison Between Painting and Wallpaper Installation

When it comes to decorating the interiors of your home, there are two options to choose – wallpaper installation and painting. Both are fantastic options with their own merits and uniqueness. Hence, you can easily choose one of the two, depending upon your aesthetic aspirations. However, before you tilt towards one, shunning the other you need to know the merits of both of them and their respective aesthetic properties, cost and visual weightage and merit they carry with them. This will help you opt for the  best and the most feasible of the two options.

Primarily, wallpapers are available in more variable designs, compared to the traditional wall paints. However, you will find an extensive plethora of paint shades inundating the market with a variety of designs available, in stripes and other patterns – a fact that makes the right choice even more difficult! 

Nevertheless, let us discuss a few comparing parameters. 

Time of Preparation: 

Applying paint on the wall is much easier and it takes much less time and effort, more so when you have the best painters in Melbourne painting walls with the best tools and using all their expertise. Sticking wallpapers, on the other hand, asks for more time, as it involves covering and amending the undulations and imperfections of the wall. High quality paints by default, overwhelm most of these imperfections. 

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When it comes to applicability, paints seem to be more feasible than wallpapers, as they can be applied anywhere, including the autest angles and the most outrageous border frames. Wallpapers, on the other hand cannot be installed everywhere, even if you hire the best wallpaper Installer in Melbourne. So from that point of view, paints score over the wallpapers. 

Moreover, if your home is prone to frequent renovations due to damps and high moisture content in the air of your location, it will be a better option to opt for painting. Wallpapers are never a good choice on damp walls as they will peel off. 

The Cost Factor: 

This is a pretty variable factor as the cost will depend upon the brand and quality of the products you choose  and this stands for wallpapers as well as paints. Regardless of whether you opt for wallpaper installation in Melbourne or go for painting, you will have to shell out a considerable amount if you vouch for the best quality. 

However, a high quality wallpaper will last longer than a supreme quality paint on a flawless wall with standard moisture content. Hence, in this respect the wallpapers turn out to be more economical than the paints, even if you opt for the best painting service in Melbourne.


Wallpapers, more so the high quality ones can easily be washed, cleaned and revamped. Hence, they are much easier to maintain. This is more applicable if you have kids.  Their scribbles on the wallpapers can easily be erased. However, for that to happen in case of paint, you need to opt for high quality paints and then also, not every mark can be removed. So again, on this parameter, wallpapers score over paints. 

Therefore, both wallpapers and paints have their respective merits and demerits. It is for you to decide which way to go. West Pro Painting & Decorating is equally competent in painting and wallpapering. When you hire us and discuss this topic with our experts, they will guide you in a proper way. So call us now to fix an appointment. 

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