
Painting Tools Used by Professional Commercial Painters in Melbourne

In any type of commercial painting, the painters will need to use a variety of tools. So, today we will be describing some of those tools in this write-up. If you are in Melbourne and want to get your office painted, you will get an idea of the tools that will be used in the painting process. So, just follow along.

  • Pressure Cleaner

Before the office painters in Melbourne can start the painting of your office walls, they will need to prepare the walls, and in the preparation process, they will be sanding the walls and removing the mould and mildew. For the latter, they will be using the pressure cleaner instrument. However, pressure cleaning is not actually the work of the painters. But still, this is considered an important painting tool by the cleaners since it can effectively remove the growth from the walls.

  • Ladders and Scaffolding   

When painting your office or any commercial area, the painters will need to use ladders and scaffolding because these tools help in reaching areas that would otherwise have been impossible.The ladders are used to paint the walls of both the interior and exterior areas, especially the ceilings. On the other hand, with scaffolding, it is possible to reach even higher areas such as the exterior surfaces that are two or three-storey high.

  • Scrapers and Sandpapers

The painters in Melbourne use scrapers and sandpapers as both of these are important in preparing the walls before applying paint. Using the sandpapers, the painters are able to make the walls smooth and by using the scrapers it is possible to remove the existing paint.

  • Rollers and Brushes for Applying the Paint

Both the roller and the brush are important tools that are used in commercial painting in MelbourneThere are various types of brushes for painting the walls and the painters choose the ones that they think will be best for the wall. Similarly, rollers are available in different sizes and it is a great tool to apply the paint in large areas quickly.

  • Paint Sprayers

Spray painting is a great method for quick painting and hence the Melbourne painters use it to paint almost all commercial areas. The equipment requires electricity to run. Additionally, a wide array of sprayers can be found in the market and here again, the painters choose the ones that they think will be best for painting the area.

  • Drop Cloths

While painting, there can be paint spillages on the floor and furniture. So, to protect these areas, commercial painters use drop cloths. This is actually not a tool as such but can be termed as one of the important supplies in commercial painting.

  • Bucket for Carrying the Supplies

This is another important tool in commercial painting. All the supplies will be carried in the bucket such as the brushes, rollers, etc. and hence, the painters include it on their list.

Hire Experienced Office Painters Today for Achieving the Best Results

At West Pro Painting & Decorating, we provide the best office painters in Melbourne to carry out the painting in your office. So, to hire the painters or to get an office painting quote, call us now