Problems That Home Painters Solve Before Starting the Painting Job

Painting professionals in Melbourne experience numerous issues when or before starting the paint job. But they solve them so that they can provide their clients with the best results. So, today we will be exploring some of the common problems the painters face and solve.

Go through the points that we have mentioned here to get an idea about the problems. But to know more about these; talk to painting professionals since they will help you out.

  • Paint Flaking and Blisters

The two most common problems that home painters in Melbourne City face are the blisters and flaking of paint. They occur when moisture gets trapped beneath the surface of the paint or due to contamination such as oil, dirt and grease, etc. So, to solve them, the painters remove the loose materials and then apply the primer once again before applying the original paint.

Though this is a bit of time-taking job, it yields the best results.

  • Staining and Paint Bleeding 

In the interior wall of your home, the paint may bleed sometimes and this happens a lot if you apply a dark colour with a shade of paint that is light. However, this can also be caused by stains that plague the underlying surface

So, the professionals carrying out domestic painting services in Melbourne first seal the original stain before applying the colour on the walls. With that, they also add primers to mask the stains.

  • Paint Cissing

A wet film can accumulate before applying the paint on the surface that has wax or oil. However, this film can occur when the brush is contaminated. So, to prevent or solve this problem, the painters wait for the first coat of paint to completely get dry after which they apply the second coat. Also, before applying the paint, the professionals clean the walls and dry them to avoid cissing.

  • Paint Fillers Showing

To cover the cracks on the walls before painting, professionals carrying out residential painting in Melbourne use fillers. However, these fillers can sometimes start showing through the painted walls which makes the appearance unappealing.

To solve this problem the painters use a coat of regular emulsion mixed with clean water. That way, the fillers can be concealed inside the paint.

  • Paint Foaming

Another common problem that home painters often face is paint foaming.

This primarily occurs due to the usage of the wrong type of rollers. However, to resolve the issue, the painters rub-down the walls with detergent and abrasive paper. After that, they leave it to dry before they can start the application of paint.

  • Mud Cracking Problem

When cracks form all over the paint in long lines, it is called mud cracking. But to prevent this from happening, the painters in Fremantle, Melbourne use a few thinned paint coats. For interior walls, however, they use soft sheen paint.

These are some of the most common painting problems that painters face. There are other problems too and we will discuss them again in another write up later.

Affordable Painting Services by Specialist Painters

West Pro Painting & Decorating offers comprehensive painting services in Fremantle. So, to hire our painters, call us, or visit our website and click the ‘Get a Quote’ button for a home painting quote.