
Things to Consider When Painting Office Walls for Long-Lasting Results

Nothing can brighten up an office like a brand new paint job. Transforming walls with vibrant paint coats can bring life to your workplace and boost the curb appeal of your property, if done and executed properly. However, office painting may seem exciting and overwhelming but the job isn’t that easy. From surface prepping, picking the right paint color in cohesion with the interior theme to flawless paint application, it takes a lot of effort, time and technical skills to get the desired paint outcome. But a few important considerations can help you get flawless paintwork and make both your efforts and investments worthy.

Prioritise Your Requirements

Before scheduling a painting appointment, you need to prioritise your requirements and decide how you want to decorate your space.

  • Prepare a rough estimate including material costs, labour costs to ensure you don’t run out of budget in the middle of the job.
  • Analyse the condition of walls and decide the right paint type, color and style that can complement your existing theme and decor.

Consult with Melbourne painting contractors and discuss how you want your workplace to look like. Making your office look professional yet appealing requires profound skills, hands-on expertise and in-depth knowledge. The professional painters invest sufficient time in understanding your customised requirements and come up with innovative ideas that can represent your vision and desires in the best possible way.

Fix Damages & Imperfections Beforehand

If your office building is more than 10 years old, chances are high for paint to undergo significant damages over time. Identify areas of damages such as cracks, dents, holes or leakages on walls and get them repaired by skilled office painters in Melbourne before applying new coats of paint. Painting over damaged surfaces won’t do any good to your office painting job and give you recurring issues of peeling paint, blistering or flaking paint early than the expected time.

Declutter Your Space Before Professionals Arrive

Dirty and clumsy workplace cannot just delay the painting process but make the job hectic and time-consuming. Declutter the areas to be painted before professional painters in Melbourne City arrive to expedite the job and make office painting hassle-free. Move cabinets or desks away from walls and cover floors with old dry cloth to minimise the risk of paint splatters. By decluttering the workplace, you can make it easier for painters to move around and minimise the risk of tripping or slipping off the surface.

Pressure Cleaning Walls is Important

Walls are highly exposed to dirt, stains, oil and grime and degrade over time. Before adding a splash of vibrant colors on walls, make sure to eradicate surface contaminants such as debris, old paints, grime and grease to make the base ready for paint. Additionally, ask the painter in Melbourne to remove nail or screws from areas that are to be painted. Adding new paint coats on damaged areas not only can wreck the health of paint but give recurring troubles of peeling paint, cracks and flaking paint over time and demean the overall aesthetics of your workplace.

At West Pro Painting & Decorating, we have been offering high-quality painting services for both residential and commercial clients at a reasonable price for many years. Our team comprises of skilled and accredited painter in Melbourne, Melbourne City who have solid trade experience and apply flawless paint coats to make your property look visually stunning and appealing. If you want to revamp your outdated office with vibrant paint coats in an affordable budget, get in touch with us or book an appointment without delay!