Ways Home Painters Differ From Commercial Painters

You cannot compare home painters with commercial painters. The techniques, the associated issues, and even the selection of the two genres of professionals differ a lot from each other. Let us discuss them on the page.

Bidding Process

The bidding process for commercial painters is far more complicated than that of home painters in Melbourne. The reason is pretty obvious. When it comes to painting commercial properties, it is imperative to take into account a number of technical aspects. It is also important to evaluate the expertise of the commercial painters in regards to those parameters. There is no such compulsion in the case of home painters. Naturally, the bidding process for home painters is much simpler.

Scope of the Project

It goes without saying that the size and dimensions of commercial painting projects are much broader than those of their domestic counterparts. There are a number of aspects and parameters that commercial painters need to emphasise. Naturally, these painters need to have expertise in those technical aspects of painting.

Home painting projects, on the other hand, do not have those compulsions, as the scope of these projects is not that widespread. Thus, the house painters in Melbourne are not required to handle those technical nitty-gritties.

Number of Painting Professionals

Due to the fact that commercial painting projects are more elaborate than their domestic counterparts, they need the involvement of a larger number of painting professionals. The domestic projects, in comparison, will need a much smaller number of painters to complete the project on time.

Naturally, commercial painting projects will cost you more than home painting projects.

Experience of Painters

Commercial painters need to be adept at using specialised tools, machinery, and equipment. They would need them for various painting technicalities exclusive to commercial painting. There are many surfaces in commercial buildings that would require the use of special tools and techniques to be painted. To be skilled at commercial painting, the majority would require training.

House painters don’t need them. The painting equipment they would need is more conventional in comparison. Generally, every residence is painted essentially more or less in the same way. Although the surfaces of all residences are more or less identical, the home painters nevertheless must distinguish between different paint finishes and make recommendations.

Materials and equipment

The materials used in commercial painting differ a lot from those used in domestic painting. Painting projects for homes tend to be smaller in size and type. Thus, generally, the standard painting supplies would suffice. They include the likes of rollers and paint brushes, paint trays, step ladders, and cleanup supplies. These materials and tools are more than sufficient to paint homes. Paint requirements are also substantially lower in the case of home painting. Besides, there is a greater variety of paints that can be applied to the home surfaces.

Things are entirely different in the case of commercial painting. Commercial properties frequently feature numerous stories, high ceilings, and difficult-to-access locations. A variety of materials, such as metal, reinforced plastic, and even wood and concrete, could need painting. These various surfaces call for distinct paint types and methods of preparation. To properly finish the task, commercial painters need to be skilled in the use of tools, including scaffolding, paint sprayers, aerial lifts, and pressure washers.

Thus, you see, these are the major parameters by which home painting differs from commercial painting. For further details, you can opt for West Pro Painting & Decorating, as we are one of the best names to offer home painting.