Commercial Painters Melbourne

What Are the Best Ways to Prepare a Commercial Space Before Painting?

The smart owners know and know the importance of painting their commercial space. By doing so, they will successfully enhance the look and appeal of their property and market value. Hence, to achieve the best possible results and get the right value for their investment, they hire expert painters who specialise in offering the best painting services in Melbourne. So, if you want to turn your dull working space and transform its look, consult professionals and get their help.

If you think the experts will ask for a high price to just paint the roof, interior, and exterior walls, that is not so. The job of professional painters in Melbourne is not just to paint the property, but what is essential for them is to prepare the space first. Yes, you heard that right. It will only be possible for them to offer the best-desired results if they do so. To know how they prepare the commercial space before painting it, carefully review the points cited below.

Ways in Which Professional Painters Prepare A Commercial Space

  • Inspection: The first thing the experts do is carefully inspect the space and make note of everything. Dents or holes must be repaired if the wall is cracked or damaged. They don’t hesitate to make the property owners aware of it.


  • Clear the Space: Clearing the entire space comes next. They will remove the furniture, computers, laptops, switch plates, hardware, wall decor, rugs and other items and keep them in a safe place. Not only that, they will cover everything in the best possible way, and so you don’t have to take any kind of stress. This is important for them as they get more space to work efficiently and reduce the chance of meeting with an accident.


  • Cover Floor: The next thing expert Melbourne painters do is cover the floors and the edges with plastic sheeting. They even use painter’s tape to cover the windows, door frames, baseboards, etc. It is vital to prevent paint from leaking slowly onto the surface and achieve sharp lines.


  • Wall Cleaning: The experts who specialise in offering the best commercial painting in Melbourne clean the walls to get rid of dirt, dust, tough stains, etc., which can prevent the paint from sticking properly. For cleaning, they use different kinds of eco-friendly chemicals.


  • Applying Primer: They apply primer on the walls to create a smooth surface. This not only helps the paint to adhere but also enhances its durability.

These are how experts prepare the surface before office painting in Melbourne. As they offer a warranty for the service, you can relax and be sure of getting the desired result.

Preparing the commercial space before painting it to get the best possible result is challenging. It requires a lot of hard effort and dedication. So, if you are looking for experts who can help you and offer exceptional service, West Pro Painting & Decorating is the name you can trust. Our painters are professionally trained, well experienced, and deeply understand the industry. You can hire us to paint your domestic, commercial, office, and industrial space, fence and deck, roof, concrete floors, etc. To hire our team for painting services in Melbourne, you can call us at 0412 008 179. For any other queries, you can send an email to We will reply to you soon.